USJ vs Springfield

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) men's tennis team ended their fall season with a very good performace at the Springfield college invitational dual match. The Blue Jays lost their second match of that day against Springfield College 5-7. It was a non-coference match on Saturday October 5, 2024. The Blue Jays started out by winning only one of the 4 doubles matches. After that, despite giving it their best, they barely lost to Springfield College 5-7. 


  • Numer 1 doubles, Karol Romer (Warsaw, Poland) and Rodrigo Torres (Lima, Peru) started out rather badly, losing their match 3-6 to Kimoto and Sablon.
  • Doubles 2, Manny Hernandez-Plaza (Dorado, Puerto Rico) and Christian Kaverud (Glastonbury, Conn.), won their match 7-5 againts Shimamura and Matsudiara. 
  • At doubles 3,  Marko Karpyuk (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) and  Thomas Ameral (Ellington, Conn.), did not stand a chance againts the Springfield number 3 doubles Huppke and Guzman, losing their match 0-6.
  • USJ doubles 4, Ryan Boucher (Bedford, N.H.) and Jonahtan Huot (South Windsor, Conn.), put up a very good fight, but ultimately lost to Schalin and Norin 5-7. 
  • After underperforming in doubles, Romer stepped up in singles, beating Spring field number 1 Kimoto 6-1 6-0.
  • At number 2 singles, Torres also got his payback for doubles by winning his match againts Villanueva 6-2 7-6(4).
  • USJ number 3 singles, Kaverud, after some turbulations, lost his match with Huppke 5-7 4-6.
  • At number 4 singles, Hernandez-Plaza, beat Taub, 7-5 7-5.
  • Number 5 singles, Karpyuk lost his match againts Schalin 2-6 2-6, due to struggling physical.
  • Our number 6 singles, Ameral lost to Gomulka, after a suprisingly long battle 4-6 2-6. 
  • At number 7 singles, Hout lost a very close match with Norin, 6-2 4-6 5-10
  • Lastly, at number 8 singles, Brett Hodas (East Berlin, Conn.), won his match againts Matsudiara, in a very close and exiting battle, 1-6 6-4 10-5 

That concludes the Fall 2024 season for Blue Jays, they will come back stronger than ever for their regular season in Spring 2025